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Business to Business Integration

In addition to supplying internet browser based window and door industry software for inserting and viewing quotations and orders, Profitmaker RETAIL also supplies web services to perform the same operations. While the browser software will interact with a human using a web browser, the web services expect to interact with software. This means that your customer can hook up his own software to use the services supplied by you for quoting and ordering.
For example, a glass unit supplier may receive many orders from many customers. Most of these customers will already have the glass unit type and size entered into their office software system, whether it’s a simple spreadsheet or a sophisticated order processing system. By using the ordering web service, the glass unit order can be placed directly from the existing information without having to re-enter it. Other built in web services supplied by Profitmaker RETAIL include job tracking and estimating.

Click here For more information about Profitmaker Window and Door Industry software products and to see how we can help your business, please contact us.

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