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Production Monitor

Since the exact production time for every product in every factory work centre is known, you can monitor your work in progress in real time. The Factory Monitor displays every job in your production schedule, the time for completion across each work centre, the current state of each job and the number of operative required per work centre for any given day. Groups of job items can be selected and batched for production. Production batches can be printed and sent for optimisation and production.

Bar Coding

Every product for manufacture is assigned a series of unique barcodes, typically one per frame, one per sash, one per glass unit. As the various parts of the product pass through the factory work centres, they are scanned so can be tracked instantly. A single barcode scan can update a whole series of information: Production status, raw material usage, purchase requirements, operative information, factory “free work” screen display, stillage and truck contents through to despatch and arrival at external depots.

Bar and Glass Optimisation

The Profitmaker ERP Optimiser can optimise both linear (bar lengths) and area (glass) and consistently produces excellent results and minimal waste. Off cuts can be stored, labelled and re-used.
When the materials for production are optimised, output can be produced for any type of cutting or routing machinery, e.g. profile saws, machining centres, spacer bar cutters and benders, glass tables.
Because the software is object oriented, all of its functionality can be customised and automated. It’s easy to write a script to generate any kind of information in any format.

Material Requirements Planning

You can run a materials requirements report for any job or range of jobs. This summarises the exact quantities of all materials required to manufacture the jobs, enabling you to accurately plan your purchases in advance for door manufacturing.

Stock Control

The Profitmaker ERP Stock Control system can monitor all suppliers, purchases, orders, material usage, waste, work in progress and stock takes for door manufacturing. It can be set to run automatically at any particular time of day or night and will produce an accurate stock position. Stock requirement orders can be produced automatically at any time based on Supplier delivery dates. Dramatically reducing stock holding.

Click here For more information about Profitmaker Door Manufacturing software products and to see how we can help your business, please contact us.

Pagespeed Optimization by Lighthouse.