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Business Solutions

Single/Multi Site Manufacturing


Sales and Instillation

Business Solutions

Profitmaker Trade is an internet based Window and Door Industry business software application aimed at Trade Suppliers. It allows their customers to log in with a password using an internet browser and place orders and estimates.

Profitmaker ERP looks at the big picture. It is Proactive, giving you profit and delivery information before you start jobs and not when it’s too late and can continue to give you profit information during the job.

There are Profitmaker ERP software modules to deal with almost all aspects of the Window and Door Industry, from Estimating and Sales through to Production, Stock Control, Crew installation Scheduling and Service.

Profitmaker Retail is an internet based window and door business software application designed specifically for Retail Window Companies. It allows their Sales people to log in with a password using an internet browser and give estimates and sign contracts with their customers.

Click here For more information about Profitmaker Window and Door Industry software products and to see how we can help your business, please contact us.

Profitmaker Trade is an internet based Window and Door Industry business software application aimed at Trade Suppliers. It allows their customers to log in with a password using an internet browser and place orders and estimates.

The Window and Door Industry customers of a Trade Supplier can also enjoy many other advantages of an “always on” system that can be accessed from anywhere, including :

  • All the customer’s estimates and orders are available on-line for reference
  • An Order’s status can be tracked by a customer (Ordered / Confirmed / In Production / Despatched etc.)
  • A Window and Door Industry customer can produce his own documentation for a job, including glass lists, proposal, survey sheet, invoices, retail customer documents, etc.
  • Each Window and Door Industry customer can have several users (e.g. Sales Rep, Administrator, Surveyor, Installer etc.) So for example, a sales rep could enter an estimate and produce a proposal for his customer, then convert it to an order when the sale is closed. A surveyor could log in from his own house and print a survey sheet for this job containing address, phone numbers and complete job details including diagrams, dimensions, specification etc.

Click here For more information about Profitmaker Window and Door Industry software products and to see how we can help your business, please contact us.

  • Will help to boost sales, manage your staff easily, reduce errors and increase your margins.
  • Create great looking customers documentation in seconds, with drawings to scale and in colour, any changes made will see the price change immediately
  • Staff diaries will allow the management of staff in real time, make appointments for salespeople, surveyors, installers, and service engineers.
  • Information can be updated from mobile staff and from multiple offices in seconds. Get useful information immediately.
  • Manage your contracts and estimates easily and efficiently. Produce sales reports by groups or individuals and sales reports showing profit contribution.
  • Management reports that enable you to make key decisions based on fact and not on hunches. Track salespersons performance and see how their conversion rates compare against each other. Analyse your sales conversion rate per lead source so you can spend your marketing budget where it works best.
  • The “stalled pipe line” will show the value of the stored estimates where no decision has yet been taken. This allows for follow up marketing by special offers, discounts etc.
  • You can present a consistent, dynamic image of your door and window industry company to your customers by using a tablet or smart phone.
  • If your door and window industry company has more than one showroom or depot, you can assign jobs and staff members to the relevant showroom or depot so you can track and report on these separately.

Click here For more information about Profitmaker Door and Window Industry software products and to see how we can help your business, please contact us.

Benefits to your Customers Business

  • When your Window and door industry company signs up with you, your customer will instantly have a 21st century business network that spans the globe. His staff are no longer limited by geography and no longer need to be in a certain place to perform a certain task. His salesperson can produce a quotation at home or in his car, his surveyor can enter survey sizes using a mobile phone, installation crews can log in to receive schedules and addresses. Because your customer’s information is at the fingertips of all his staff, his business will thrive.
  • Your window and door industry customer will feel more in control of his business, because vital information is directly available to him, without the barrier and confusion of phone calls and faxes.
  • Your window and door industry customer can use the information network to add value to his own business processes, e.g. a surveyor can print out his own survey sheet, a salesman can print out a customer proposal, several staff members in different physical locations can discuss individual jobs on the phone and each one can call the job up on his own computer screen.
  • Because no special software is required on your customers’ computers, there is no associated cost and no software installation problems.
  • Furthermore, your window and door industry customer can use any type of computer, (PC, Mac, unix, linux etc.), hand-held device, or Wap enabled mobile phone.

Click here For more information about Profitmaker Door industry software products and to see how we can help your business, please contact us.

Robust Web Technolosgy

Profitmaker Trade door and window industry software runs on a Microsoft .NET internet server and uses a powerful SQL Server database engine to manage your database. It is capable of receiving hundreds of thousands of orders per day from thousands of users.

Click here For more information about Profitmaker Door industry software products and to see how we can help your business, please contact us.

About Profitmaker ERP

How it Works

World class software for Window manufacturing and Conservatories.

Profitmaker ERP software was designed specifically for the Window and Door manufacturing industry, with modules for Quotations, Sales, Production Control, Stock, Crew Installation Scheduling and Service and open to integration with third party software.

It is a robust, accurate and fast system that can scale from a single user on a PC to hundreds of users on a Client/Server network processing millions of orders.

It uses an Open database system, so your information is not locked up and you can easily integrate it with other software. In fact, the underlying technology is “object oriented” and exposes its functionality to macros or scripting, i.e. it is fully programmable and extensible. It’s very easy to write custom links to machinery, accounts etc. and extend the functionality to your requirements.

It is fully integrated with Microsoft Office (Excel, Access, Word, Outlook) in both directions, e.g. Profitmaker ERP can generate Word Documents and Excel Sheets, an Excel Sheet or Word Document can access and update Profitmaker ERP information if required.

As its name suggests, Profitmaker ERP window manufacturing software is focused on the profitability of every job and gives you profit margin and delivery information before you take the job and not when it’s too late. Let’s face it, if you’re not making profit then your software system just helps you to lose money faster!

For manufacturing bespoke products such as windows and doors, where almost every item is unique and uses a different set of materials and labour, calculating an accurate cost can be difficult. The Profitmaker ERP window manufacturing software system addresses this difficulty with sophisticated technical databases. These databases contain materials, labour and technical rule sets. They can be mixed and matched to form a suite of options for individual job items. A single item can draw information from many different technical databases (e.g. one for Profile, one for Handles, one for Glass etc.) This makes it easy to introduce new sets of components without interfering with existing components.

Profitmaker Retail was released in 2002. This enables instant estimating and order placing using an internet browser, hand-held device or even a mobile phone from anywhere in the world at any time. The system is popular with trade suppliers, who allow their customers to log in with a password, however it can also be used to enter orders or estimates directly into Profitmaker ERP window manufacturing software.
From Internet to showroom, salesperson to Customer, Production Office to Factory floor, Delivery depot to customer, Profitmaker ERP window manufacturing software allows all of the resources to operate more efficiently from start to finish, by allowing this connectivity to happen anytime anywhere.

If you would like further information on Profitmaker Window Manufacturing software,  a demonstration or a presentation visit, press the Contact Us Menu button and fill in your details.


Since the exact production time for every product in every factory work centre is known, you can monitor your work in progress in real time. The Factory Monitor displays every job in your production schedule, the time for completion across each work centre, the current state of each job and the number of operative required per work centre for any given day. Groups of job items can be selected and batched for production. Production batches can be printed and sent for optimisation and production.

Every product for manufacture is assigned a series of unique barcodes, typically one per frame, one per sash, one per glass unit. As the various parts of the product pass through the factory work centres, they are scanned so can be tracked instantly. A single barcode scan can update a whole series of information: Production status, raw material usage, purchase requirements, operative information, factory “free work” screen display, stillage and truck contents through to despatch and arrival at external depots.

The Profitmaker  Profitmaker ERP Optimiser can optimise both linear (bar lengths) and area (glass) and consistently produces excellent results and minimal waste. Off cuts can be stored, labelled and re-used.
When the materials for production are optimised, output can be produced for any type of cutting or routing machinery, e.g. profile saws, machining centres, spacer bar cutters and benders, glass tables.
Because the software is object oriented, all of its functionality can be customised and automated. It’s easy to write a script to generate any kind of information in any format.

You can run a materials requirements report for any job or range of jobs. This summarises the exact quantities of all materials required to manufacture the jobs, enabling you to accurately plan your purchases in advance for door manufacturing.

The Profitmaker ERP Stock Control system can monitor all suppliers, purchases, orders, material usage, waste, work in progress and stock takes for door manufacturing. It can be set to run automatically at any particular time of day or night and will produce an accurate stock position. Stock requirement orders can be produced automatically at any time based on Supplier delivery dates. Dramatically reducing stock holding.

Click here For more information about Profitmaker Door industry software products and to see how we can help your business, please contact us.

Database Technologies

Profitmaker ERP door and window manufacturing software is fully compatible with the Microsoft Office software suite. The Microsoft Access Database Engine is build into the standard version of Profitmaker ERP door and window manufacturing software. For high volumes and large multi-user access, the database engine can be replaced with a client server database, such as SQL Server, allowing millions of jobs to be accessed by hundreds of users. Client server computing will help large businesses run faster, more smoothly and leanly by merging the economy, flexibility and ease of use of personal computers with the traditional benefits of mainframes: power, manageability, and shared data and applications. You can also benefit from built-in data replication, enhanced programmability, advanced transaction processing, server enforced data integrity, high availability and distributed transactions.

Because the Profitmaker ERP door and window manufacturing software system is object oriented, its functionality can be customised and extended by scripting, similar to VBA macros in Microsoft Excel or Word. In fact, you can write Excel or Word macros that can access the full Profitmaker ERP object system, interrogate the database for orders or estimates, scan through all job item properties, insert new jobs, produce complex reports, produce output for other systems or easily import information from other systems. In fact it’s so flexible that there are very few limitations on what you can achieve, even for very complex requirements.

The Profitmaker ERP door and window manufacturing software system is Windows software running on PCs with Ms Windows 98, 2000 or XP.
The Profitmaker Retail system runs on a web server running Windows 2000 and the .Net runtime.

Click here For more information about Profitmaker Door and Window Manufacturing software products and to see how we can help your business, please contact us.

About Profitmaker Retail

How it Works

As a Retail Window Sales Company using Profitmaker Retail, you decide which of your staff you want to allow access to the system. You create a user name and password for each staff member and their user rights.

When a Window Sales staff members logs in, he sees a web site with your company name and logo, and current information about your company, including announcements, photographs, new product information or any information you want to display. Any window sales enquiry can be placed directly into the sales person’s diary for a given time and date.

If your company does not use Profitmaker ERP window sales software, you can still access and update the online information, either manually using a web browser, or automatically using a link to your office software.

All estimates and contracts are stored so that they can be referred to at any future point in time.

Your Window Sales staff can now produce an instant estimate, (from your styles, price books and extra charges) and convert to an order, place it in the surveyors diary for a given time and date. The surveyor can print a survey sheet from any location and update with measurement details from site.

If your company also uses Profitmaker ERP software, the on-line job will be transferred into your Profitmaker production database and from there can be scheduled for production as normal. Changes to the job status or delivery date are automatically posted on-line for your customer to view.

Click here For more information about Profitmaker Door industry software products and to see how we can help your business, please contact us.

Business to Business Integration

In addition to supplying internet browser based window and door industry software for inserting and viewing quotations and orders, Profitmaker Retail also supplies web services to perform the same operations. While the browser software will interact with a human using a web browser, the web services expect to interact with software. This means that your customer can hook up his own software to use the services supplied by you for quoting and ordering.
For example, a glass unit supplier may receive many orders from many customers. Most of these customers will already have the glass unit type and size entered into their office software system, whether it’s a simple spreadsheet or a sophisticated order processing system. By using the ordering web service, the glass unit order can be placed directly from the existing information without having to re-enter it. Other built in web services supplied by Profitmaker Retail include job tracking and estimating.

Click here For more information about Profitmaker Door industry software products and to see how we can help your business, please contact us.

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